other temple, that of Bansi Gopal, in the vicinity of the place, is of a much later date.
In a copper-plate of RajaBalabhadra, of A.D. 1855, mention is made of the consecration of
a temple of Gopal, which presumably is the one in question, as no other temple of this
name is known to exist in the town. Finally, there
are the two- shikhara temples dedicated to Devi That of Vajreshwari or Bhagvati outside
the town is remarkable for its fine sculpture. The short inscriptions under the niches
seem merely to contain the names of the artisans employed in the construction of the
building, but give no certain clue to its date. The temple of Champavati on the north
sideof the chaugan contains a stone image of Durga slaying the buffalo-demon.
In the courtyard of this temple we note a dilapidated
shrine of small size which shelters the images of Vasuki Naga (or Baski Nag) and his
Wazir. Originally, the naga king had a more spacious residence, which was destroyed by
fire in the year 1898.
Temples at Brahmaur------The shikhara temples
beyond those in the town are very few in number. At Brahmaur, the ancient capital, there
are two buildings of this type. The larger of the two is dedicated to Shiva under the name
of Mani Mahes.It is ascribed to Meru Varman, who reigned about A. D. 700, but it is very
doubtful whether the present building goes back to so remote a time.This much is certain,
however, that the erection of a Shiva temple by Meru Varman is recorded in an inscription
on the brass bull, which stands in front of the temple.