Struck with wonder, they broached this topic, when they met Vidyaranya Swamiji
of the Sringeri Mutt. Seeing the happened, and likely to happen with his
antarchakshu - inner eye, he said that this sacred land associated with Sri
Rama's dwelling while searching for Mother Sita is a sacred land and would
establish Dharma firmly and rejunevate the flagging nationalism. Satisfied, they
sought his invaluable guidance for founding of Hindu empire without loss of
time. Anon the programme was finalised; preparations went ahead and the ambition
was materialized on the Abhinjim muhurt - the midday on Thursday of Margha
Suddha Saptami of 1258 of Salivahana saka with Harihara on the throne. Acharya
Vidyaranya came from Banaras and started moulding, building and guiding
everything in the capacity of Pradhana Armatyasekhar, which he accepted after
persuasion. It successfully repelled the alien thrust and supported the
traditional religion and the Hindu culture.