Mighty Atoms For Tiny Tots
Major Sections
Temples Of India


If he is slighted, he bears it with an inaudible grumble, but if any one dares to degrade his, country, or desecrate its glory, or defile its sanctity, or decry its place, enough, he rises sky-high along with his uncontrollable righteous indignation and pounds him to powder at once. He never relishes the idea of inferiority attached to his motherland. Mention of it, be that even from his own countryman, he tolerates not. He instantaneously shuts the mouth of such a wretch once for all, if occasion demands. Verily, he is the patriot, nay, the patriot of patriots. He is deathless and peerless in this virtue.

Knows he well fully about the blessings of the salubrious, invigorating climate enjoyed by the tenant of the temperature zone, vet his noble sentiment of attachment bends him down and makes him offer his flower-like heart only to his motherland in token of devotion. Moreover., he envies none, and hates not any. Such is the patriotism and- the type of fervour that the proud Negro possesses and proclaims to the world.

Know it, attachment to motherland, or dedication to its glory does not depend upon its potentialities and resources. One is devoted to his motherland, but not to its superiority in terms of transitory wealth of goods of any kind that can he cashed down at any time. A true patriot sees good in everything and believes in the justice of God, and the supremacy of His being.

Does he not know the adage: "God does everything for our own good". He knows it and gets consolation from it. He is a practical philosopher par excellence.


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About On Mother And Motherland 
Section One: Mother Pg1 
Section One: Mother Pg2
Section Two: Mother Land Pg1
Section Two: Mother Land Pg2
Section Two: Mother Land Pg3
Section Three: Patriotism Pg1
Section Three: Patriotism Pg2
Section Three: Patriotism Pg3
Section Three: Patriotism Pg4
You are Here! Section Three: Patriotism Pg5
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg1
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg2
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg3
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg4
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg5
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg6