Mighty Atoms For Tiny Tots
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Section One: Mother

Janani Janma bhumasha swargadapi gariasi

"Mother and Motherland are greater than Heaven"

Mark It!

Mother is the Goddess on earth. A living Goddess indeed. She begets children like you. She feeds them, nurses them, protects them, threatens them, cajoles
them, chastises them, educates them, and follows them to the goal.

Yes, ever since she breathes life into you, she labors hard to lift you up, to keep you fit, to put you on the path, and finally to light it up for your carefree journey. Holding your rosy, sweet, little hand, she walks along the road of life towards the land of bliss.

In your on ward march, she struggles with you, weeps with you, laughs with you and bears your burden. In short, she shares your joys and sorrows.

Does she not then, resemble your shadow?

Yes, she does.

You cannot separate her, nor could you live without her. You draw your strength, health and mental wealth from her. She is within you unseen, whereas you were within her, all but seen. She is present in you from top to bottom. You feel her influence in thought, speech and action. She is seen, where you are, and she is felt where you stay, i.e., she is one with you mentally, physically and spiritually.

Her spirit rather permeates your whole-being.

Her mission in life is to make you a MAN, think like man, speak like man and act like man.


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About On Mother And Motherland 
You are Here! Section One: Mother Pg1 
Section One: Mother Pg2
Section Two: Mother Land Pg1
Section Two: Mother Land Pg2
Section Two: Mother Land Pg3
Section Three: Patriotism Pg1
Section Three: Patriotism Pg2
Section Three: Patriotism Pg3
Section Three: Patriotism Pg4
Section Three: Patriotism Pg5
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg1
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg2
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg3
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg4
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg5
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg6