Mighty Atoms For Tiny Tots
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Your glory, position and prosperity are tied up with that of theirs. You stand as long as they stand, and fall when they fall apart. Loving the motherland means loving your countrymen, who are born and live to work in a particular geographical unit, of which you have become a part and parcel.

As you live, mingle and work with them, you gradually understand their ideals and aspirations that are reflected by their actions. Constant company enables you to imbibe their. nature and assimilate it without making any conscious effort for it. As a matter of fact, you are initiated into their thought process through the subconscious mind. In course of time, you identify yourself with them and finally become one with them. They too shed their distinct personalities and identify themselves with you.

This sense of oneness makes you feel more for their welfare, and work for their all-round development. You ardently endeavor to live in them and in turn, they, in you. In the end, duality will be lost and oneness will emerge. This realization, and this ambition prepare you to undertake any venture and sacrifice your life for the country, meaning thereby your fellow-men.

Would you like to be separated, or break away from them then? No. That fragrant bond binds you both for ever and makes you one with them. As a matter of fact, you are now no more of your 'full self'. You are 'half' only, since the other half lies with them. Quite naturally, your 'half' craves for the union with the other half and attains bliss in union. This accounts for the mystery of the attachment to one's land and the real significance and meaning of patriotism.


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About On Mother And Motherland 
Section One: Mother Pg1 
Section One: Mother Pg2
Section Two: Mother Land Pg1
Section Two: Mother Land Pg2
Section Two: Mother Land Pg3
Section Three: Patriotism Pg1
Section Three: Patriotism Pg2
Section Three: Patriotism Pg3
Section Three: Patriotism Pg4
Section Three: Patriotism Pg5
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg1
You are Here! Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg2
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg3
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg4
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg5
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg6