Mighty Atoms For Tiny Tots
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Temples Of India


Understand that MAN is the crown of creation. He is totally different from the other created beings. He is blessed with mind-the seat of intelligence that distinguishes right from wrong, good -from bad, noble from ignoble, virtue from vice etc., heart-the seat of emotions to feel pain and pleasure, both personal and impersonal. And the soul-the abode of God that connects the earth with heaven.

She endeavors all through her life to make these function harmoniously, .so as to shape you into a rare specimen among the created beings. She succeeds ultimately in placing you at the feet of the Almighty, by reason of your virtuous conduct, molded by her.

Seeing you thus seated at the lotus feet of the Lord, She sheds tears of joy. Her ecstasy at this is inexplicable and indescribable by any means, whatsoever.

She now feels that her mission is fulfilled, and your birth, justified.

She is, therefore, sacred-the holiest of the holists. She is Godly. "Mathru Devo Bhava", i.e., 'Mother is the Goddess on earth' concept has thus emerged and commands instantaneous whole-hearted devotion. Worshipping her is equal to worshipping of God.

Prostrate before her and start adoration at once.


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About On Mother And Motherland 
Section One: Mother Pg1 
You are Here! Section One: Mother Pg2
Section Two: Mother Land Pg1
Section Two: Mother Land Pg2
Section Two: Mother Land Pg3
Section Three: Patriotism Pg1
Section Three: Patriotism Pg2
Section Three: Patriotism Pg3
Section Three: Patriotism Pg4
Section Three: Patriotism Pg5
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg1
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg2
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg3
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg4
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg5
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg6