Mighty Atoms For Tiny Tots
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Section Three: PATRIOTISM

Every man owes his position, place, prestige, personality and power to his -mother first, and motherland next. Doesn't one fall into the lap of the mother earth on leaving the mother's womb? They give one and all, life and ability, strength and sustenance to stand, to command, to feel, to strive and lastly to think and act. Is it not proper then, to give in return something for all we draw from them? Is it not' worthwhile to uphold their cherished ideals? Should' we not think that it is our legitimate duty to raise their prestige by following their injunctions? Is not our, progress, or safety linked up with that of theirs?

The answer is only YES, for these and similar  ones.

So, every one of us is indebted to our mother and motherland immensely. We should worship them zealously and be prepared to lay down our lives for their sake. Of the two, mother cones first. Do obeisance. Be devoted. And get her blessings.

Next comes motherland. You owe her all you have; for, whatever you give is nothing compared to what she is giving you and going to give too.

Understand, the needs of your motherland are more; interests, many and the scope is ever-widening, whereas in your mother's case, everything is limited and little. So, it expects a lot from you. Your contribution for its progress is all the more great. It expects greater involvement. That is, you have a duty to serve it. You owe a greater duty, perhaps the greatest to your motherland.


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About On Mother And Motherland 
Section One: Mother Pg1 
Section One: Mother Pg2
Section Two: Mother Land Pg1
Section Two: Mother Land Pg2
Section Two: Mother Land Pg3
You are Here! Section Three: Patriotism Pg1
Section Three: Patriotism Pg2
Section Three: Patriotism Pg3
Section Three: Patriotism Pg4
Section Three: Patriotism Pg5
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg1
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg2
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg3
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg4
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg5
Section Four: Fellow Feeling Pg6