Patriotically, he is as great as any other of
his counterpart of the advanced nations that could boast of sending man to the
moon. Admittedly, he is the greatest, for, he never hates others, nor is he
jealous of others' lot. He lives in contentment, bequeaths it to his progeny,
and most likely carries it to his blissful home, there above. The only thing he
knows, is his sublime 'SELF' and his mother country. He prefers bearing the
badge of inferiority to putting. on the mask of culture only to commit heinous
crimes under its shade. So, he spurns the idea of sitting at the international
conference table and jostling with the leading nations, who only label him as a
barbarian, according to their standards. He lives in harmony with himself, and
with the mother nature, amidst which, he lives most happily and highly. Indeed,
his position is enviable.
another. Even the naked Negro who lives at the flaming equator complains not of
its harmful effects. Rather, he ever boasts of his golden sands and palmy wine.
The burning soil, nor even the boiling water will ever dry up his patriotic
impulses. Though he frets and fumes all the year round, he proudly proclaims
that his baking soil is equal to the honey soaked and flower-strewn paradise.
The unbearable heat roasts him alive, as it were, and causes his plans and
progress end in smoke, literally, but not his patriotism. It remains
un-drenched, un-burnt and undying. Like his compatriot the Eskimo, he is a 'ditto' more or
less with regard to the advantages of education and refinement. But his sense of
patriotism is highly developed and nobly groomed. He pounces on those who
belittle the glory of his motherland and tears them to