This duty is called 'loyalty'. It is 'love' in other words. Your noble
sentiments like, love, regard, devotion, allegiance and loyalty are all
compressed into a
dignified, sonorous term called 'patriotism'. It is all. comprehensive, and
holds in its compass all your noble feelings for your motherland.
a true patriot, nothing else is dearer, higher, nobler, holier, mightier and
purer than his motherland. He loves it, adores it, serves it, commends such a
one and lastly lays down his precious life for country's progress and
glorification. He has no interests other than his country's. He stands for them,
represents them and lives for their realisation.
he content with the mere offering of his own energies and faculties? No. He utilizes
the profits of friendship plus the good will of the "like minded"
countries for the same. He hesitates not to wrest with justice anything from
others for its up-liftment. He equates himself with his country.
devotion to it is the hall-mark of a cultured man. He is ever proud of his
motherland and never ceases to broadcast its glory and rich history, however
unpleasant, unprofitable and unworthy they may be in comparison with that of
others. He never disowns, if it is unworthy, in matters of location, or climate.
Far from it. He frowns at others, who descend to cast a slur on his motherland
covertly and overtly. He brands such mean stock as traitors and assails them all
round, with all the vehemence of his tongue and fist at his command. As long as
the flame of his life burns, he fights for her rights and sheds his pure, hot
blood for it, if need be.