The Miracles Of Gods For The Debacles Of Humans
Major Sections
Temples Of India



Let us first examine the second part of the title - 'The Debacles of Humans'. First comes first, of course, is the traditional principle followed in everything - either to granting or withholding favors and rewards, or even reprimands and punishments etc. But a digression is made deliberately guided by the expediency of the situation. Don't we use the reverse gear, when the four-wheeler is taken out from the garage? Full connotation of this part can be grasped, if this is adapted, which necessarily affords an easy lead to the former part. Here again of the two words - 'Debacles and Humans' the second word merits first consideration. 

Preference to the singular number seems a better choice, and substitution of MAN for HUMAN severs our purpose better, for, MAN is a common place word used to represent mankind and app equally well to woman too, according to legal usage. Man is found to be the real cause of the entire problem facing the world, the Marker, besides himself first and foremost. Mark it! he is tile principal source of woe, but not of weal even by mistake. 

More so in the modern times, exerting their impact on the world every second of the wheel of TIME in motion ending in his annihilation, although he is boasting of taking his fellowmen to planets, millions of miles far off the earth habitation, in addition to instant transportation of the wealth to the car for eternal happiness of all. He proclaims thus loudly, but the truth is quite contrary. For, he seldom acts as he says, nor says what he thinks.  Always, I think is the right word to be used.


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About Prologue
You are Here! Introduction
Man And His...Pg.1
Man And His...Pg.2
Purpose Of Descent
Man's Achievements
The Classic...Pg.1.
The Classic...Pg.2
The Classic....
The Classic...Pg.1
The Classic...Pg.2
Man's Ascent
Man's Perversion
The Worth Of Man
Man's Insignificance
The Appearance....
Mannism And...Pg.1
Mannism And...Pg.2
Mannism And...Pg.3
Origin Of Mine...Pg.1
Origin Of Mine...Pg.2
Origin Of Mine...Pg.3
Miracles And....
The Miracles...Pg.1
The Miracles...Pg.2
Purpose Of God's...Pg.1
Purpose Of God's...Pg.2
Purpose Of God's...Pg.3