testifies to the fact that the All-time Highest Providence is
demonstrating His omnipotence to increasing the number of the
adorer. through miracles. As He watches with concern the agony
experienced by His children, He descends at the right time for
protection, if it is of utmost necessity indispensable He even saves
them through aerial voices, or even dream messages
to teach the erring, He creates disasters which no doubt affect this
children too, but the true and sincere bearing the burnt of stress
and strain await the Bhagavatkataksha, which confers the desired as
prayed for, When the infernal cold-blooded savagery out steps the
bounds, God then dispatches one after another natural calamities
like devastating floods, ravaging conflagration; all destructive
earth quakes, and volcanoes shocking epidemics and finally
Mahapralaya that deluges the whole world. With that the misery
perpetrated by the voluble tongues, mischievous meddlesome ness and
unethical intrusions receive water burial, Alas! they sniff out the
flame of life of his devout children too.