did as bid by venerable heavenly Father, conforming himself to the
pattern intended - implemented every injunction made for his own
advancement, listened to the sage counsels tendered by the learned:
practised austerity for right conduct; guided the growing youth for
error free progress; tamed the wild and ferocious to register his
superiority; mastered the sacred lore for timely illumination;
fought against the wicked for their salvation; brought under control
the immature rebellious to lead them to goal; nipped in the bud the
insurgent underlings for unhindered bliss; harnessed the unruly
natural forces to reap their infinite potentialities; reformed the
unbridled libertines to turn them God-ward and succeeded in the task
due to his adherence to every tenet made for his good, and pleased
the heavenly Lord by rising to His expectations. Result: ushered in
a classic perfect state far exceeding the imaginary Utopia. Admitted
humbly then that he did all with the blessings of that Almighty
Highest God, his creator.