man ascending rung after rung of the ladder linking Bhuloka with
Swargadham, eminent saint-seers and impartial chronichers hailed him
in eloquent terms - "Ah! marvellous! Dust thou art and thou
turneth it into the gold rust best". Continuing, literary
giants poured out - "What a piece of work is man! how noble in
reason! how infinite it faculty! in form and moving how express and
admirable! in action and thought how like an angel! in apprehension
how like a god! the beauty of
the world! the paragon of animals ...." indeed man is the crown
of creation and as the true replica of his Creator fulfilled the
purpose of creation. So was called - Man is the measure of all
things, and it gained currency.
rose to such dizzy height and turned himself into a rope connecting
animal and super man - a rope over a precipice. This observation of
Zarathustra envisages his achievements, and rightly points to the
dangerous zone he is laid in. Hearing the encomiums heaped upon him,
perhaps, he looked at his own image and bewildered at his
astoundingly enviable position, he acquired, and the highest peak he
is standing on. Certainly it is a matter of great gratification.
None contradicts even by malice.