The Miracles Of Gods For The Debacles Of Humans
Major Sections
Temples Of India


When reached, they realise the omnipotence, omnipresence and omni benevolence of that Almighty Providence, which brings about a thorough change and then they open a new sublime chapter in the book that their life is. Miracles then usher in a splendid era not only in the lives of the believed and relieved, but those also having contact with them, since they exercise a great influence on all the believed. Seeing the victims crossing the ocean of misery, those related either by kinship or friendship, why even the total strangers too realise the power of devotion and good, the faith in God had brought in. 

Naturally such impact increases the number of theists, and decrease the numerical strength of the sceptics. But the rationalists and agnostics caught in the tight grip of egoism and mental vacuity of their own making heckle and taunt the pious, performing spiritual exercises, believing that the Highest alone is their savior and nothing goes amiss, if Bhagawan's Abhayam is sought and obtained on absolute unconditional total surrender to His supreme and unchallenged and unchallengeable will. Despite this 'fait accompli', a common place phenomena is going on ab intio to ad infinitum, MAN with his detestable Aham still believes, that he is superior to his MAKER and can out beat HIM in a trice.

When the MAKER of man out of His boundless benevolence lifts the fief-stricken to conferring beatitude on him, the egoistical, idiotic, incorrigible insolent, erratic, immodest ignoramus puffed up by a few insignificant, invisible namesake achievements, he had to his credit, declares vociferously that he is non-peril in his status, station and strength physical and mental, forgetting that he is made by that mightiest HIM. Ironical it sounds that his flippancy affirms that he can make another MAKER, more potent to outwit, or immobilize that Supreme God.  Observing him assuming unhealthy and hideously atrocious shape and blabbering like a numbskull, the Almighty God desires to cut him to size and put him on the right royal road; for, after all, this nincompoop is made by Him with a difference - in pure state. With what means could He lead him to the goal. It is only through miracles alone.

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About Prologue
Man And His...Pg.1
Man And His...Pg.2
Purpose Of Descent
Man's Achievements
The Classic...Pg.1.
The Classic...Pg.2
The Classic....
The Classic...Pg.1
The Classic...Pg.2
Man's Ascent
Man's Perversion
The Worth Of Man
Man's Insignificance
The Appearance....
Mannism And...Pg.1
Mannism And...Pg.2
Mannism And...Pg.3
Origin Of Mine...Pg.1
Origin Of Mine...Pg.2
Origin Of Mine...Pg.3
Miracles And....
The Miracles...Pg.1
You are Here! The Miracles...Pg.2
Purpose Of God's...Pg.1
Purpose Of God's...Pg.2
Purpose Of God's...Pg.3