Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
The mother, when she works hard for the sake of her child, knows something of this joy. Even when a man draws a small circle and calls it "his own," the unconscious aim is to taste the joy of growth in the self, for there by, the self bond in the body comes out for a little while. But what sort of release is this? It is like the prisoner coming out of his cell into the courtyard. But this is not enough for the spirit. The spirit wants the joy of unbounded freedom.

12. The essence of the matter is :- (1) The seeker after perfection (sadhaka) needs to leave the crooked ways of adharma (what is not one's dharma) and paradharma (someone else's dharma) and take the natural easy path of svadharma. He should never let go the motherly security of svadharma.

(2) The body perishes every moment; understanding this, let him use it for the sake of svadharma. When there is need, let him not hesitate even to give it up for the sake of svadharma.

(3) Let him be constantly aware that the self is indestructible, all pervasive; and let him remove from his heart the distinction of "mine" and "thine". The Lord tell us these basic principles of living. The man who treads the path shown by the Lord will one day, without doubt, experience "through this human body itself the blissful state of existence-consciousness-bliss."

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About Self-Knowledge And Equanimity
Special Terminology..Pg.1
Special Terminology..Pg.2
Special Terminology..Pg.3
The purpose of life...Pg.1
The purpose of life...Pg.2
Awareness of the Self ...Pg.1
Awareness of the Self ...Pg.2
Awareness of the Self ...Pg.3
Awareness of the Self ...Pg.4
Awareness of the Self ...Pg.5
Awareness of the Self ...Pg.6
How to achieve both...Pg.1 
How to achieve both...Pg.2
How to achieve both...Pg.3
Renunciation of fruit ...Pg.1
Renunciation of fruit ...Pg.2
Renunciation of fruit ...Pg.3
Renunciation of fruit ...Pg.4
The Ideal Teacher..Pg.1
The Ideal Teacher..Pg.2
The Ideal Teacher..Pg.3