Discourses On Gita By Acharya Vinoba Bhave 
Major Sections
Discourses On Gita
7. Look, this body changes every instant. Who is not caught in the cycle of childhood, youth and old age? Modern scientists say that in seven years the whole body changes, and that not even a drop of the old blood remains. Our ancestors believed that the old body dies in twelve years. That is why they fixed the period for penance (prayaschitta), austerity (tapascharya) or study (adhyayana) as twelve years. We hear stories of how a son meets his mother after many years of separation, and the mother cannot recognize him.

This body that changes every moment, dies every moment, is this your true form? Night and day, the sewers of your body keep flowing, and even in spite of your indefatigable scavenging it never gives up its uncleanliness; is this body you? It is unclean; it is you who wash it. It is sickly; it is you that treat it with medicine and water. It fills three and a half cubits of space: you sport in the three worlds.

It is liable to endless changes; you witness these changes. It is liable to death; and you ordain it. When the distinction between it and you is so clear, why do you shrink into such smallness? Why do you say that only that which is related to your body belongs to you? And why grieve so much for the death of the body? The Lord asks, "My friend, is the destruction of the body a cause for grief?"

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About Self-Knowledge And Equanimity
Special Terminology..Pg.1
Special Terminology..Pg.2
Special Terminology..Pg.3
The purpose of life...Pg.1
The purpose of life...Pg.2
Awareness of the Self ...Pg.1
Awareness of the Self ...Pg.2
Awareness of the Self ...Pg.3
Awareness of the Self ...Pg.4
Awareness of the Self ...Pg.5
Awareness of the Self ...Pg.6
How to achieve both...Pg.1 
How to achieve both...Pg.2
How to achieve both...Pg.3
Renunciation of fruit ...Pg.1
Renunciation of fruit ...Pg.2
Renunciation of fruit ...Pg.3
Renunciation of fruit ...Pg.4
The Ideal Teacher..Pg.1
The Ideal Teacher..Pg.2
The Ideal Teacher..Pg.3