Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


Why Do People Worship God in Different Forms?

The Divine though formless in essence assumes various forms in its cosmic creative play. We ourselves have a form and are used to relating to life through various forms. To move from the limitations of form to the unlimited formless Divinity, it helps to first conceive God as having a form. 

There is nothing wrong with such forms as long as they are used as vehicles. If we take them to be literally true and dismiss other possible forms for the Divine as wrong, then such forms become an obstruction and a cause of conflict.

Different people worship God in different ways because the minds of human beings are different. The ultimate way to God is to worship the Divine as the Self of all beings. This means that God can be found in the rocks, mountains, rivers and stars, as well as beyond the world. 

Actually every form is a form of the Divine worthy of worship. What is important is to allow the free use of all forms so that all the doors to the Infinite are open to all beings. We must not only see God beyond the world but God in the world, in every form, to really know the omnipresent reality.


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