Do Religions Call God He?
God is both male and female, and beyond
both male and female. One can call the Divine "He"
relative to the masculine qualities of the Cosmic Being like
strength, justice, will or discernment. One can call it
"She" in reference to its feminine qualities like love,
devotion and receptivity. One can call God "It" relative
to its neutral qualities like infinity or pure existence.
If one only calls God "He" then
such a God is not the Supreme Being but a personification of a male
centered view of reality. As our culture is dominated by male
energy, not of a higher but a lower order, naturally we project this
idea upon God as well.
Such a one-sided conception of God is
reflected in exclusivist religions, which claim that they alone have
the truth and thereby lead us to various extreme or even violent
Therefore while we can call God
"He" we should not limit how we can conceive his reality.
He is all beings and all relationships. He-she-it, you-me-them,
whatever entity we conceive is our very own Self.