Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


Is Evolution Endless?

Evolution is a process of development in time. Time has no end. Therefore there must always be an evolution within the field of time. Though one universe may come to an end, another must come into being. Evolution of form, life and mind is eternal, though no particular thing that evolves is itself unending.

However there is a part of our nature that is unchanging, which has never been limited to the field of time. This Timeless Being can never evolve because it does not exist within the domain of action. Pure Consciousness is not a material thing or a product of time that can grow or decline. What evolves is the mind and its ability to reflect consciousness.

What is necessary is to know our true Self - the immutable constant of our being. Then we transcend time and circumstance. Then evolution, on whatever level it may occur, cannot limit us, though the forms of our outer expression may change and develop in ways that we may not be able to presently conceive. We must learn to view the unending changes of evolution from the standpoint of the Immutable Self. This is Divine delight.


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