Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley


What is Non-Duality (Advaita)?

Non-duality is the understanding that there is only One Truth or Reality, and therefore only One Self in all beings. This One Truth is Being-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute.

It exists equally in the Creator, the soul and in creation and transcends all three. It is not merely a theory but is the experiential unity of the perceiver, the action of seeing, and the object perceived. 

Without knowing the One, we remain trapped in duality, ignorance and sorrow. To know the One is to become it, which is to recognize its Self-existent reality.

This requires profound meditation, which in turn is only possible if we have first purified our minds of egoism and learned to live our daily lives in harmony with universal law.

Sanatana Dharma bases itself on non-duality. For this reason it cannot set up one religious identity against another. It recognizes the same Self in all beings. Its various practices help us merge into the One, which transcends all human limitations.


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