Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley


How Should Religion Be Organized?

According to Hindus there should not be one religion, one church, one pope or religious leader, or one religious institution for the entire planet. Religion should not be organized as a dogma, belief system, or social institution. It should not be standardized or stereotyped or it loses its spirit and creativity and becomes rigid and artificial.

Religion should aim at spiritual knowledge, through inner practices like Yoga and meditation. It should not be a vested interest to gain an external following but have its reality on the inner planes of consciousness. Otherwise religion, like any vested interest, becomes corrupt. The larger the institution the greater the corruption is likely to be. 

The Hindu model is of many smaller spiritual groups and organizations in a general alliance or federation, respecting a unity of Truth but a diversity of approaches to it. In this way religion can grow in a natural and organic way and one in which the individual, the real bearer of the sacred flame of consciousness, is honored and nurtured, not scaled down according to a belief or system.


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