Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley


Does Evil Exist?

There is an Absolute Good but there cannot be any absolute evil. Evil being a form of ignorance and limitation can never be absolute, though it can be a powerful force in this realm of the ignorance. All souls are inherently good and can only temporarily become evil owing to ignorance. This evil consists in doing actions which harm other creatures and thereby also harm oneself.

Various negative forces exist in the universe which could be called, in some sense, evil. Just as there are toxins and pollutants in the physical environment, which can be called bad, so there are negative forces in our psychic and mental environment. Wrong actions create a negative force, which like mob action, can appear almost demonic. Yet however strong evil appears it can never win in the realm of Truth and Eternity. Only in the outer realm of appearances can evil appear to have any real power. Inwardly in consciousness it does not really exist.


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