Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley


Is God Personal or Impersonal?

A universal tradition recognizes the full range of personalities of the Godhead. Yet the Divine is impersonal as well as personal, the formless Absolute of Being-Consciousness-Bliss as well as the cosmic Lord and Creator. The impersonal is a higher reality because the personal implies limitation. Beyond creation there cannot be any person, even a Divine Person. 

There is no contradiction between the personal and impersonal aspects of the Godhead. The Impersonal Divine in its creative play assumes various personalities as the Creator, Preserver, and Destroyer of the universe.

These personalities may be either male or female, through the great forms of the Divine Father and Divine Mother. Yet the Divine is beyond self and other as the sole and Self-existent Reality. In that impersonal and uncreate Existence is true immorality and perfect peace.


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