Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley


What is the Goal of Sanatana Dharma?

The goal of the universal tradition is Self-realization, the realization that the universe exists within us - that the universe is the embodiment of our deepest consciousness which transcends time and space. The goal of Universal Truth is to become one with it, which is to become one with all. This is liberation from all bondage based upon fear and desire and the various dualities of attraction and repulsion. For indeed, if we are all, what else could exist for us to fear or to desire?

Actually the goal of Sanatana Dharma is ever realized because the universe is inherently one with consciousness. To reach this goal is to recognize its Self-existent Reality. This is to merge in the ocean of unlimited Being-Consciousness-Bliss. It is liberation from all bondage and sorrow.

Yet beside its ultimate goal Sanatana Dharma recognizes all the other goals of the universal manifestation, which is the organic unfoldment of all the levels, layers and different types of worlds and creatures. While this leads to the ultimate goal, each stage has its appropriate secondary goals, manifesting the full beauty and glory of creation.


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