Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley


Do Angels Exist?

There are many different worlds, levels and layers of the universe beyond the physical, each with its corresponding types of creatures or entities. Such beings more subtle than humans could be called angels. Hindus call them gods or devas, though again there are many different levels of such entities, with the highest Gods being powers of the Supreme Knowledge. There are also different classes of sages and seers who exist on different levels of consciousness and their particular worlds and are angelic, celestial or divine in their function.

Angelic beings may serve to guide or help human beings and aid in natural evolution. Yet these beings may not themselves be enlightened, though their consciousness may be far beyond what is ordinarily human. They may have powers of creativity or perception, like the ability to see the future, which they can relay to human beings to various degrees. However they are no substitute for our own meditation or for human spiritual guides.

Also, Divine forces take various appearances relative to the human mind. Coming into contact with an influx of spiritual energy the human mind may imagine that it is contacting an angel or some higher entity. All such Gods, angels and devils dwell within us as various formations of the power of consciousness. We should not come under their power but contact the Divine within us. We should ourselves return to our true nature as the Master of the Universe, the ruler of all Gods, angels and spirits.


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