Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley


How Should Religion Be Propagated?

True religion spreads itself by the force of Truth. It does not rest upon overt efforts and transcends all organizational endeavors, which should only aim at disseminating information, not promoting any dogma. True religion (unity) is reflected in universal interdependence. It is spread by promoting unity consciousness in thought, word and deed. Without recognizing this universal Truth to seek to promote a particular religion is only to promote a separative and warring creed.

Religion is the recognition of the Eternal and the Infinite. To cause it to grow is to honor its Self-existent Reality. This religion of Truth is inherent in nature. The wind blows it. The sun shines it. The rivers make it flow. Flowers bloom through it. What is important is that we take it up and let it spread and develop our own greater awareness, as we ourselves by its power learn to transcend all the petty identities and opinions of the mind.

In promoting religion we must avoid all propaganda, which as an effort to influence the mind through emotions and slogans, not through the force of truth, calm thinking and meditation, is itself a form of violence. Religious propaganda is a contradiction in terms. Religion is a means of connecting us with a higher reality. This cannot be done through appeal to the lower aspects of the human mind - agitated emotions, suspicions, and clever thinking, which propaganda aims at.


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