is the Importance of the Divine Mother?
In predominant Western religions the
Divine is worshipped as Father but not as Mother. This heavenly
Father is often portrayed as a stern, angry or jealous God - a
strict judge and giver of punishment to those of his children who
violate his seemingly arbitrary laws. Protestant Christianity and
Islam have banished the Divine as Mother from their religions.
Catholic and Greek Orthodox Christianity
have accepted the feminine only as the mother of Jesus, not as God
in her own right - even though it appears that devotion to the
Madonna has been the strongest living mystical tradition within
Christianity and its greatest sustaining force.
Sanatana Dharma as a universal tradition has always recognized the
importance of the Divine Mother.
According to Hinduism the deepest
relationship that we can have with God is that of the Mother. No
human relationship is closer than that of the mother and child. It
best mirrors our relationship with God. India itself is looked upon
as the Mother. The Hindu religion itself is seen regarded a mother
and its teachings are her milk.
In the modern world wherein we are
recognizing the equality of the sexes we can no longer reject the
feminine aspect of Divinity. The rejection of the feminine aspect of
the Divine - which is loving kindness, tolerance and caring
nurturence - and the promotion of the stern male-only father-sky
God, has led to the religious animosity and holy wars which have
devastated humanity over the last two thousand years.