musical recital of God's name helps even the inanimate, immovable, inert objects of God's
creation to get imprints of the name of God by ethereal vibrations, which in due time will
bring liberation to them also. Self-recital elevates the individual soul, hereas the
congregational singing of mystic names of God elevates the Universe, the sacred creation
of God divine, Singing the name of God is the most efficacious remedy for all ailments of
human body and soul. Music is the finest of the
fine arts. It is also knowledge (Vidya). That is why in earlier days it was called Upaveda
that helps to realize the Supreme Being. Music is claimed to possess the power to
'purify him that chants and him that listens'. Sing it please, for yugas and yugas,
so that firm habit will be formed, by which each breath will sing the mystic name of God
thus making it easy to carry the name of God with the last breath to ether, Eternity,