In the name of Sri
Krishna dwells His form. The mystic word and the God Himself are one and the same.
"Just as all water raining from the skies goes to the ocean, worship of all Gods goes
to Kesava"
(Mahabharata). The recital of God's name needs no distinction of time and space or
circumstance. The name of God being the
crystal of purity, ever discharging purificatory energy, impurity of body or mind or
circumstantial environment is of no consideration. Divinity is impollutable and all
purifying. Thus it is said: "Devotees of
other Gods who worship them with true sincerity really worship ME, though not in the
regular way" (Bhagavad Gita). God is one and the same everywhere
indivisible for man wherever he might have taken birth, be it America or Europe or Russia
or Ja an. Only the form and mode of worship to Him differs. Therefore, in whatever way and
in whatever form and in whatever name the Supreme Lord-the God of the Universe-is
worshipped and His name recited, it reaches His Lotus feet, assuring liberation to the
devout devotee.