What diagrams are
to a mathematician and equations to a chemist, images are to the devout Hindu, divine
representations of the
God he wishes to worship. As the conception of man is limited, it is difficult to think of
unlimited expanse without the aid of physical objects. Images are first meant to bring
illimitable divinity down to the level of the limited object, perceptible. Thus the
visible image of the form of the deity is the most crucial link for concentrating the
common mans thoughts and actions along prope channels of conduct and rules of
rites and rituals, already codified in these scriptures. "The goal (Nirguna) is thus reached throug the easy pathway of
Saguna" as preached by Sri Vyasa Bhagavan. Therefore, the conception of images,
which Hindus hold, is something vital to their quest of God. By bringing
divinity down to the level of the common man, the image becomes a personal God to the
devotee. Divinit gets transformed according to the desire of thedevotee who goes to
the extent oftalking with Him as Ramakrishna Paramahmsa talked with Goddess Kali at
Dakshineswar and enjoyed her grace. |