The five personal
aspects of God comprehensible to men are:
1.Para rupa: God is believed to exist in the higher world beyond the experiences of human
beings. 2.Vyuhas: Forms assembled by God.
This manifestation of God, three in number, is called Sankarshana, Pradyumna and
3.Vibhava: Bhagavan Sri Krishna declared in the Gita (Chapter
IV, Sloka 8) that whenever Dharma degenerates and Adharma increases, to save the good and
to destroy the wicked, He takes birth among the inhabitants of the world in several
forms. This is borne out by the ten incarnations, Matsya, Kurma, Varaha, Narasimha,
Vamana, Parashurama, Raghurama, Balarama, Krishna and Kalki. Kapila, Vyasa, Dhanvantri,
Purusha, Hayagriva, Dharma Narayana, Rishabha and others are minor avataras of Vishnu.
These incarnations are taken for special purposes to be accomplished.