The same has been
mentioned by the Azhwars in many places but the most- significant is the Pasuram (poem) in
the Iyerpa, First Tiruvantadi of Saint Poigai Azhwar, who expresses the idea in a very
comprehensive form as follows: "God wit His Chakra in His right hand assumes
that form which is desired by His devotees; for name also will He bear that namewhich His
devotees wish Him to bear. He will be of that quality which His devout devotee consider
Him to possess whenever they think of Him." The same idea has been forcibly expressed by that great Acharya, Sri
Pillailoka Acharya, in his famous treatis called Arthapanchanga where he says:
"The Archa form consists of the images of Bhagavan (God) which accommodate themselves
to thevarious tastes of Hiscreatures, having no fixed form but thatwhich the worshipper
may himself hoose and desire to call Him by; all - knowing, but seeming as if notknowing;
all-powerful but seeming as if needy; thus seeming to exchange places, the worshipped with
the worshipper and choosing to be ocularly manifest to him in temples and homes, in short
at all places and at all times desired." |