60 Nadis go to make
one Vinadi. 60 Vinadis or 3,600 Nadis are equivalent to 1 Nazhigai. 60 Nazhigais or
216,000 Nadis make one day. 360 days make one year. Kali Yuga consists of 4,32,000 such
years. Dwapara Yuga consists of 8,64,000 years. Treta Yuga consists of 12,96,000 years and
Krita Yuga consists of 17,28,000 years. A Chatur Yuga or Maha Yuga consists of 43,20,000
years. One Thousand Maha Yugas are equal to 1 Kalpa or a day of Brahma. 71 Maha Yugas are equal to one Manvantara and '14 Manvantara are equal to one
day of Brahma without the Sandhis. But one full day of Brahma or a Kalpa is made up
of 14 x 71 Maha Yugas plus the evening and morning Sandhis of 6 Maha Yugas, or a total of
1000 Maha Yugas, or in other words 1000 x 43,20,000 or 43,20,000,000 years. 360 such day's
made one Brahmic year.
A Dan, of Brahma is stated to be a period when all the planets
return to the same point in the Sun or the first- point of Aries at the Horizon of Lanka
on the equator, whose longitude is 76 degrees east of Greenwich. |