According to the
above, the planetary motions are as follows: -
Mercury 879,693 days
Venus 2,247,008 days
Earth 3,652,564 days
Mars 6,869,795 days
Jupiter 43,325,848 days
Saturn 107,592,200 days
Moon 27 days, 7 hours, 45 minutes and 11.5 seconds. Therefore, there is a mystic link between the Mantra-Hamsa or Ajapa Gayatri
and the periods of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva- The
number of breathings per day-21, 600--is 108 x 200. The number 108 have very great mystic
power. The Upanishads are 108 in number, Vishnupeethas are 108 in number and Pancharatna
Sangeetas are 108 in number. |