were immediately made elaborately and Andal was carried with all pomp and glory in a
palanquin to Srirangam. The marriage procession was highly imposing with the delicate
fineries and resplendent jewels presented to Andal by the Pandya King, Vallabhadeva.
Andal in her bridal dress was led into the sanctum sanctorum of Sri Ranganatha. There, to
the greatest wonder of all, she merged with the body of Lord Ranganatha. Andal was
fourteen years of age when this happened. Saintess, Andal was beatified.
All were struck mute, particularly her saintly
father, Perialwar. As he very fondly loved his divine child, he could not restrain his
emotions and burst into tears of joy. A voice was then heard from the inner precincts that
Vishnu Chitta be brought before Lord Ranganatha. They did so. |