or the energy of God is personified as a female. It is the love energy that manifests
itself as theCosmos. It is threefold in its powers.
1.Iccha Sakti-Energy of Will,
2.Kriya Sakti-Energy of Act, and
3.Sakshat Sakti-Essential Energy.
Iccha Sakti is subdivided into Sri, Bhoo and Nila. There are scriptural texts
substantiating these three Goddesses. Sri Sukta is found in the Yajur Veda. Bhoo and Nila
Sukta are also found in the same Veda. It is further stated that these three energies,
Sri, Bhoo and Nila preside over the three energies of Nature, namely Sattwa, Rajas and
Tamas. Now, for all purposes, Andal can be compared to Sita being, Ayoni Sarnbhava, and
i.e., not born of a mother's womb. But at all times, Sita is the counterpart of Rama, and
Andal, of Sri Ranganatha. |