is written in Vaishnavite scriptures of Bengal that Lord Krishna wanted to taste the
experience of the happiness which Sri
Radha, his consort, enjoyed in the presence of Lord Krishna and her pangs o! separation
from her Lord. So Lord Krishna incarnated himself as the son of a pious Brahmin couple
living at Nadia in Bengal, named Jagannath Mishra and Sachi Devi The son's name was
Viswambhar,affectionately called as Nimai.
After renouncing the world in his 21st year, he
was christened Krishna Chaitanya by his spiritual preceptor Sri Madhava Puri. His
incarnation was for spreading the pure devotional path (Bhakti Marga) by utterances of the
holy names of God (Kirtan, Bhajana) ii true spiritual ecstasy. He is now, known as Lord
Chaitanya or Lord Gauranga.
Though in physical form a man, his activities and
experiences were those of Radha. It is said that Seva or service, which is performed for
the pleasure of the Lord, is the best of all services to God.The spiritual experiences of
Lord Chaitanya resembled those of Sri Radha. 'As such there is a great similarity in the
attainment of Godhood between Lord Chaitanya and Sri Andal. |