Bhrigu is standing near the head and Sage Markandeya near the feet, close by the banyan
tree, with folded hand in prayer. The reclining posture has to be seen from three doorways
Panchamurtis, Thumburu, Narada, Sanatkumara, Kinnara Mithuna, the Sun and the Moon are
shown on the sides around.
The image is inspiring, and life-like,painted in
the usual light-blue color.Vatapatrasayee has a separate temple by the side of Sri
Andals and one has to go up a flight of steps to reach the sanctum sanctorum. Ii the
corridor of the temple fine carvings on wood are seen, illustrating the ten incarnations
of God and other mythological representations.
The side of the temple situates the original Tulasi garden of Vishnu Chitta, the father of
Sri Andal. There, in front of the Tulasi plant a small image of Andal is installed. The
big temple of Sri Andal is by its side.
Very few among the saints are women, like Meera of Rajasthan, Andal and Karikkal Ammaiyar
of the South. |