day of Sri Andal's birth is recorded in the holy book of Divyasuri Charita as Kali 97,
Nala year, and 4th day in the month of Adi, Suklapaksha Purva Phalguni. With the lapse of
years, Andal, otherwise known as Goda showed great devotion to Vishnu, and with age her
devotion Vishnu also grew.
She was suffused with divine love for Lord Krishna
The love of the Gopis towards the Lord became her ideal and she m up her mind to attain
it. Tiruppavai and Nachiar Tirumozhi, composed by her, portray her ineffable experiences
of the ecstasy achieved through love divine. It has been said that it was Sri Vishnu
Chitta's daily services gathers flowers from the Tulasi garden and weave garlands to be
offered Lord Vishnu at the temple. |