Vidyasankar shrine is built in the Saradapitha campus itself. It is apsidal in
design. There are beautifully sculptured dwarapalakas, and the outer walls are
adorned with carvings of several puranic personages depicting episodes from the
epics. The archamurthi is Lord Siva and is extremely enchanting with its huge
size and adornments. Another object of worship is the august icon of Sarada;
Vidyaranya installed this golden image of Sarada, replacing the sandalwood one
by Adisankara. Many rulers of fame made rich endowments in form of jewels,
vessels, vahanas, besides donating villages for the upkeep of the Mutt and the
temple. The temple property in form of jewels made to Mother Sarada alone is a
matter of great pride to the Mutt and an object of envy to several age-old
temples. There are ruby figures of Venugopal and Srinivasa, and they display the
exquisite craftsmanship and munificence of rulers and artistes. Of the four
mutts of Sankara, this one has an enviable record of patronage extended by both
Hindu and Muslim rulers.