The Devalayas Of Karnataka
Major Sections
Temples Of India


Apparently, this little Sringeri township enshrining the world renowned Advaithamathapitha has a rich religio-cultural background that impels close study for advantages more than one. Its unique features lift the soul and enjoin whole-hearted veneration with a mere mention of its name; for, it is located on the sacred bank of Tungabhadra, it is here lies the famous Vidyasankar temple built by Vijayanagara rulers; it is here His Holiness Vidyathirtha Swamy transformed himself into a Sivalinga; it is here the spiritual luminary Rishyasringa was born and merged in Siva linga; it is the holiness of this thirthakshetra that lured Bhagawan Adi Sankara to establish one of the four pithas, which enjoyed the exemplary sway of eminent pontiffs, like Sureswacharya, Vidyathirtha, Bharatakrishna Thirtha and Vidyaranyaswami; it was to this sacred temple, mighty rulers of Mysore state like Hyderali, Tippu sultan, Peshwas of Maharastra, like RaghunathaRao, Scandia, Holkar and Baji Rao; kings of Vijayanagara like Bukka vied with one another in making munificent endowments; and it is here the image of Mother Saradamba made of gold was installed by Acharya Vidyasankara, and it is this pitha that came into being first of the four established elsewhere in four corners of India. 


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About  Mother Sarada Of Sringeri
Uniqueness Pg1
You are Here! Uniqueness Pg2
Antiquity Pg1
Antiquity Pg2
Antiquity Pg3
The Advaithamatha Pitha
Sankaracharya's Advent.....Pg1
Sankaracharya's Advent.....Pg2
Sankaracharya's Advent.....Pg3
Vidyaranya's Impact Pg1
Vidyaranya's Impact Pg2
The Temple Complex....Pg1
The Temple Complex....Pg2
The Temple Complex....Pg3
The Temple Complex....Pg4