question arises, therefore, "How does a pluralistic tradition
deal with one that is not?" It can try to incorporate the
exclusivist system as an alternative path in its broader pluralistic
worldview. But this depends upon exclusive religions giving up their
claims to the sole truth and admitting the value of pluralism. If
votaries of the exclusive beliefs fail to do this it means little.
For Hindus to accept Christianity and
Islam as true without making Muslims and Christians question their
own exclusive beliefs and accept Hinduism as a true religion, means
little and can be self-defeating. We might also ask, "Can an
exclusivist religion become pluralistic?" It may not be
impossible but it certainly requires an effort and is unlikely to
occur if its exclusivism is not questioned thoroughly.
A pluralistic tradition cannot
passively accept exclusivist traditions as merely another possible
path. It must challenge the exclusive mentality and expose its
biases. Otherwise exclusivist ideologies are allowed to propagate
themselves without question. Pluralism cannot simply tolerate
exclusivism but must set forth a pluralistic view as the alternative
to the limitations of exclusive ideologies. This requires a powerful
critique of exclusivist systems from the pluralist view,
particularly to counter the inevitable missionary efforts that
exclusivist beliefs inevitably project.