has often given the missionaries a free hand to prey upon the weaker
elements of Hindu society and left such poorer Hindu groups feeling
abandoned by Hindu society. Let
us place the matter in perspective relative to a Western country. It
would be like the United States allowing Hindu, Buddhist or Islamic
missionary efforts to occur on a grand scale in the country but
Christians not being allowed to criticize or try to counter such
efforts in order for the country not to appear intolerant.
It would be like America taxing
majority Christian churches while giving tax breaks to minority
religions, as the government of India does taking money from Hindu
temples. Would this ever occur? Of course not. It is well known in
America that if any religious group was given special tax breaks,
everyone would join it or every religion would agitate for similar
We must remember that though Hinduism is the
majority religion of India, during a thousand years of foreign rule,
it was oppressed. Hindu temples were routinely destroyed and Hindu
religious activities were either curtailed or looked upon with
disfavor by the government. Present minority religions of India,
Islam and Christianity, ruled over Hindus and aimed at conversion of
Hindus as a government policy. After independence the socialist
government of India has been anti-Hindu as well and missionary
activity remains strong in the country. |