What is the Hindu View of
Modern Science?
Hinduism as Sanatana Dharma,
a universal way of knowledge does not require that we reject science
or return to medieval superstitions. For example, Hinduism does not
require that we believe that the world was created 6000 years ago,
nor is it opposed to the theory of evolution, which it long ago
formulated in a spiritual way as an evolution not merely of form but
of consciousness.
Sanatana Dharma recognizes
the validity of all forms of knowledge. Yet it says that knowledge
is of two types. The lower knowledge - based on name, form and
number - can only help us understand the outer world. It cannot
reveal our True Nature or help us discover the Eternal.
This lower knowledge is the
realm of science, which is based upon measurement and observation of
the external. It allows us to better understand and control the
forces of nature. The higher knowledge, which is yogic spirituality,
is based upon meditation and direct perception of the workings of
the mind. This alone brings liberation and the attainment of
immortality, whereby one goes beyond the realm of time and space.
Though science has its place
it has its limitation, and where material science ends the spiritual
science, which is Yoga, begins. To be truly scientific or objective,
we must recognize both levels of truth and give each its respective
place. The dialogue between these two forms of science is crucial
for the future development of humanity and for developing a real and
comprehensive understanding of the universe.