Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


How Should Hindus Relate to Western Culture?

Western culture is primarily a secular and commercial culture. Its main benefit is its practical efficiency, scientific knowledge and humanitarianism. Its main limitation is its attachment to sensation and entertainment, which dull the mind. While the scientific and humanitarian side of Western culture can be helpful its lack of spiritual knowledge must be compensated for.

Western culture, though it has religion, is not a religious culture. On one hand, this largely frees Western culture from religious dogma, intolerance and bigotry that makes life difficult in countries dominated by a religious belief. On the other hand, it leaves Western culture in a spiritual vacuum, without any spiritual roots, which may deprive people of any deep connection with life or God.

What Is The Hindu culture is not a religious culture in the sense of an exclusive belief. It has a secular, universal and open minded approach. Yet it is not a materialistic culture. It is based upon spiritual and yogic values and practices, a tradition of Sadhana or spiritual practice. Therefore it does not have to clash with what is beneficial in Western culture but can afford the spiritual dimension that it needs. Hindus should take what is useful from Western culture but try to give it in return what they have to offer, which is a deeper approach to the spiritual life.


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About Hinduism And Sanatana Dharma
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Hinduism And Sanatana...Pg4
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