Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


Do Hindus Need to Awaken Today?

Hindus need to awaken today and once more reclaim and renovate their great spiritual heritage. This requires neither rejecting the tradition nor merely accepting it as it is. There is not only the Hinduism of the present to consider but that of the past, that of the future and, above all, that of all time. True Hinduism is this eternal tradition not its transient customs at any point in time.

Hinduism is not confined to its outer forms nor is it limited to its teachings at any particular point in history. It is always growing and developing. It is necessary for Hindus today to rewaken to their real spiritual heritage, which though not entirely obscured has been largely forgotten or misunderstood. It is important to revive Hinduism in its true sense, not merely to get Hindus to think that their religion as they practice it today is sufficient. Much of Hinduism today is something that the great Hindu sages would not be very happy about and some of it is contrary to the real spirit of the religion.


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About Hinduism And Sanatana Dharma
Hinduism And Sanatana...Pg1
Hinduism And Sanatana...Pg2
Hinduism And Sanatana...Pg3
Hinduism And Sanatana...Pg4
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