Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
Major Sections
Books By David Frawley


Is it not Arrogant to be Proud About One's Religion?

The pride of the ego, which is a separative pride is always divisive, as it insists that only its point of view is correct. Yet the soul, our inner being, has its pride, which is a recognition of the value of Spiritual Reality over material appearances.

One should be proud in a spiritual sense about the universal element in oneself and in one's Dharma. We are the Divine itself in manifestation. All time and space is but our shadow. The mentality of a slave or a sinner does not suit our Infinite Being.

The soul should be proud of the Eternal Truth of its nature which states that "I am all." We need not bow down to any religious belief system or external religious authority. We need only recognize the Divine Presence within ourselves. This is Sanatana Dharma, the enduring Truth of all that is.


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About Hinduism And Sanatana Dharma
Hinduism And Sanatana...Pg1
Hinduism And Sanatana...Pg2
Hinduism And Sanatana...Pg3
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