Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


Should the Term Sanatana Dharma Replace Hinduism?

The term Hinduism is subject to many misunderstandings, while Sanatana Dharma communicates the real meaning of the tradition. If Hindus use this term more they will have a greater understanding of the real tradition they follow and better allow those of other cultural backgrounds to appreciate it.

To gain recognition for the term Sanatana Dharma, we must first understand the meaning of Dharma as natural law and one's inherent nature, which is radically different than the idea of religion as a code of beliefs.

However, owing to the familiarity and convenience of its usage, we cannot simply dismiss the term Hinduism. We must define it differently, which is as Sanatana Dharma, not as the religion of a particular country. Hinduism should come to connote Sanatana Dharma. This requires looking at Hinduism with new eyes. 


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