Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


What is the Hindu View of the Earth?

Hindus worship the Earth as a Goddess and form of the Divine Mother. They recognize that the Earth is not just a material thing but a cosmic power pervaded with a Divine Presence. They honor all creatures on Earth and the various beauties of the planet, the mountains, rivers, forests and oceans, which contain many sacred places for them wherever they live.

This worship of the Earth is not part of a primitive pantheism but part of a greater cosmic awareness which recognizes the Divine not only in Heaven but in the very ground on which we stand. Such a recognition of the Divine in the Earth is essential in the world today wherein we are destroying the planet. For Hindus ecology is not merely a social movement but part of religion, and for them religion is also ecological. If we view the Earth as a Goddess and as our Mother we will certainly use her resources correctly. If we fail to do this, we will abuse not only the Earth but all creatures on it.


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About Hinduism And Sanatana Dharma
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