Hinduism : The Eternal Tradition Sanatana Dharma
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Books By David Frawley


What is the Hindu View of Economics?

The economic problems in India today have largely been caused by the socialist policies of modern India, which are akin to the economic problems of the Soviet Union. Socialist countries make individuals dependent upon the state for their welfare, which suppresses initiative and independence in the economic life of the people.

Hinduism itself teaches independence (svatantra) in all domains of life and acknowledges the validity of the commercial (vaishya) class and its freedom to pursue prosperity as a valid goal of life. Hinduism teaches the individual to be self-sufficient and confident of his or her own Divinity. It does not make the individual subordinate to the state. Similarly it does not make the individual subordinate to big business but encourages an organic development of economic resources allowing all people dignity of work, and maintaining maximum economic independence for all communities.

The Hindu concept of Dharma contains an understanding of the proper role and limitation of the merchant class which should serve society, not rule it, following the guidance of the great sages and yogis. Commercial development is alright if it is based upon respect for the Earth, charity for all people, and respect for the spiritual life. Otherwise it becomes a curse, as it has over much of the world today.

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About Hinduism And Sanatana Dharma
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